Friday, January 19, 2007

Photoshop Nightmares

I want to start by saying that I haven't felt this stupid in a longggggggg time! I have spent so much time on the two Photoshop assignments. I was watching some of the kids I am observing this quarter using Photoshop to edit a business project on Wednesday and I was blown away at how good they are with the software. I might pay one of them to do Project #3 for me (j/k).

When attempting to formulate ideas for my Photoshop projects I really just stare at the computer screen until something pops into my head. I'm not really a creative type so sometimes I stare at the screen for a long time. Next, I spend at least 30 minutes trying to find a series of images that I think will work. Now is the really hard part, translating my idea into an actual Photoshop. This involves alot of f-bombs, the move backwards tool, and me repeatedly slamming my mouse onto the top of my desk. Eventually I end up with something that I know isn't great, but I am so sick of staring at the computer screen I say screw it and submit it anyways.

I actually used Photoshop earlier today to edit a picture and send it to my dad as part of an inside joke. It was pretty cool using Photoshop for something that didnt' involve a grade. My comfort level and confidence with Photoshop is so much higher than it was even a week ago. It really helped me to hear everyone describe the tools and techniques they used to edit their images for project #2. In the last 24 hours I have added the clone and eraser tool to my Photoshop arsenal. I've gotten alot of use out of both of them already. I'm still sorta traumatized by the first two projects, so I am not going to talk about Photoshop anymore. Have a good weekend everyone!

Jon link


Culver said...

I would agree about being traumatized by Photoshop. I've never spent so much time blankly staring at a computer screen. I have also used a Photoshop as kind of inside joke/ slash prank at work. I went around showing everyone my “Hollywood Girlfriend.” They were all really impressed but I thought it looked to fake but I didn’t quite posses the Photoshop skills to make it look real.

Mary said...

I have had the Adobe suite for 5 years and this is the first time I done much with it. If you draw a blank, look on the internet for images. I will let you send my Newsletter to your mother ...