Thursday, January 25, 2007

Post #4 How I will use page layout and newsletter

Like the previous blog, I can definitely see real world application of the newsletter feature. Newsletter projects require students to use artistic, writing, and analytical skills. For example, a group project that requires students to create a newsletter about a current business event will incorporate all of the abovementioned skills in a fun manner. I could see myself creating a newsletter as a dynamic, unique way to present new information instead of just lecturing. Microsoft publication is a tool I will cetianly add to my aresenal of instructional strategies.

Jon link

Blog #3 How I will use photoshop

As a future high school business teacher I can see myself incorporting image editing software into my classroom in a number of ways. A good example is an advertisement project that would require my students to create their own advertising campaign for a chosen product. As I mentioned in my last blog, I am amazed at how proficient high school kids are at using Photoshop. This type of project will allow them to utilize their Photoshop skills and tap into their creative flow while examining fundamental aspects of business in a fun way.

In other news, I still hate Michigan. I have woken up before 6:00 a.m. for five consecutive days which is a first for me. It's really cold outside and I'm already dreading the walk to me car. It's been a bad week. Take care.

Jon link

Friday, January 19, 2007

Photoshop Nightmares

I want to start by saying that I haven't felt this stupid in a longggggggg time! I have spent so much time on the two Photoshop assignments. I was watching some of the kids I am observing this quarter using Photoshop to edit a business project on Wednesday and I was blown away at how good they are with the software. I might pay one of them to do Project #3 for me (j/k).

When attempting to formulate ideas for my Photoshop projects I really just stare at the computer screen until something pops into my head. I'm not really a creative type so sometimes I stare at the screen for a long time. Next, I spend at least 30 minutes trying to find a series of images that I think will work. Now is the really hard part, translating my idea into an actual Photoshop. This involves alot of f-bombs, the move backwards tool, and me repeatedly slamming my mouse onto the top of my desk. Eventually I end up with something that I know isn't great, but I am so sick of staring at the computer screen I say screw it and submit it anyways.

I actually used Photoshop earlier today to edit a picture and send it to my dad as part of an inside joke. It was pretty cool using Photoshop for something that didnt' involve a grade. My comfort level and confidence with Photoshop is so much higher than it was even a week ago. It really helped me to hear everyone describe the tools and techniques they used to edit their images for project #2. In the last 24 hours I have added the clone and eraser tool to my Photoshop arsenal. I've gotten alot of use out of both of them already. I'm still sorta traumatized by the first two projects, so I am not going to talk about Photoshop anymore. Have a good weekend everyone!

Jon link

Thursday, January 4, 2007

About Me

My name is Jonathan Stephanson. I am 25 years old and plan on teaching high school when I grow up. I was born and raised in Pickerington Ohio, a suburb of Columbus.

I like:

Ohio State football


My family


I dislike:


Paris Hilton


Michigan as a team, university, and state