Monday, February 26, 2007

Blog #9

Although it has been a huge pain in the rear I feel I am ending this class with a feeling of accomplishment. I started this quarter with no knowledge of PhotoShop or Windows Movie Maker. I had zero experience with either applications. My first experiences with the applications were very humbling and frusturating. In fact, I came very close to chucking my monitor out of my bedroom window during my first Photoshop project. I have broken several mouses while playing online poker, but I have never experienced this kind of rage on the computer. I have dropped so many f-bombs this quarter. So thanks PAES 642, I now curse like a sailor. My mother would be very proud.

Slowly but surely my comfort level with the software increased with each project. I now feel fairly confident when using Photoshop. I am by no means an expert and certianly still have much to learn. I would be fairly confident in teaching very basic Photoshop tools and techniques, which is my personel measure of learning.

After struggling with Photoshop, the movie software was comparitively simple to learn. The toughest part of using this software is the creativity aspect. I don't feel that I am a very creative person, so I struggle to come up with cool ideas for movies. In closing although I would not describe myself as "tech saavy", my competence and confidence is night and day from where they were at the beginning of the quarter. Take care. Jon


Herb II said...

This is great that you are feeling this way! I am glad that you did not throw your monitor out of the window. I almost did the same thing when I was trying to download Photoshop to my computer (it was frustrating) but it finally downloaded. Good old Technology!

Mark Masters said...

I think that we all felt that way during this class. I have never had much patience with graphic design type software, but to get thru this class, I had to really find the patience. I will be using Photoshop quite often now.

Culver said...

Jon, I agree that I struggled mightly with Photoshop but have found Microsoft Movie Maker much easier to use. Maybe we have just advanced so much during this quarter???? I find the most difficult task trying to create a fun and exciting topic. I feel spend majority of my time "trying" to be creative.